Sardu (sc)
Key | Value |
accepted | This field must be accepted. |
accepted_if | This field must be accepted when :other is :value. |
alpha | This field must only contain letters. |
alpha_num | This field must only contain letters and numbers. |
array | This field must be an array. |
boolean | This field must be true or false. |
distinct | This field has a duplicate value. |
filled | This field must have a value. |
present | This field must be present. |
prohibited | This field is prohibited. |
prohibited_if | This field is prohibited when :other is :value. |
prohibited_unless | This field is prohibited unless :other is in :values. |
prohibits | This field prohibits :other from being present. |
required | This field is required. |
required_array_keys | This field must contain entries for: :values. |
required_if | This field is required when :other is :value. |
required_unless | This field is required unless :other is in :values. |
required_with | This field is required when :values is present. |
required_with_all | This field is required when :values are present. |
required_without | This field is required when :values is not present. |
required_without_all | This field is required when none of :values are present. |
Key | Value |
404 | Houston we have a problem page not found |
accepted_if | The :attribute must be accepted when :other is :value. |
add | Add |
after_or_equal | The :attribute must be a date after or equal to :date. |
all_sections | All sections |
back | Back |
before_or_equal | The :attribute must be a date before or equal to :date. |
cancel | Cancel |
choices.add_item | Press Enter to add ":value" |
choices.custom_add_item | Only values matching specific conditions can be added |
choices.item_select | Press to select |
choices.max_item | Only :count values can be added |
choices.no_choices | No choices to choose from |
choices.no_results | No results found |
choices.remove_item | Remove item |
choices.unique_item | Only unique values can be added |
close | Close |
collapse_menu | Collapse menu |
confirm | Confirm |
confirm_message | Are you sure? |
copied | Copied! |
create | Create |
current_password | The password is incorrect. |
dashboard | Dashboard |
date_equals | The :attribute must be a date equal to :date. |
declined | The :attribute must be declined. |
declined_if | The :attribute must be declined when :other is :value. |
delete | Delete |
deleted | Deleted |
deleting | Deleting |
dimensions | The :attribute has invalid image dimensions. |
distinct | The :attribute field has a duplicate value. |
download | Download |
edit | Edit |
ends_with | The :attribute must end with one of the following: :values. |
export | Export |
failed | These credentials do not match our records. |
file | The :attribute must be a file. |
filters | Filters |
gt.array | The :attribute must have more than :value items. |
gt.file | The :attribute must be greater than :value kilobytes. |
gt.numeric | The :attribute must be greater than :value. |
gt.string | The :attribute must be greater than :value characters. |
gte.array | The :attribute must have :value items or more. |
import | Import |
ipv4 | The :attribute must be a valid IPv4 address. |
ipv6 | The :attribute must be a valid IPv6 address. |
json | The :attribute must be a valid JSON string. |
loading | Loading ... |
login.authorization | Authorization |
login.description | Please sign-in to your account | | |
login.login | Log in |
login.logout | Log out |
login.password | Password |
login.remember_me | Remember me |
login.title | Welcome to :moonshine_title! |
login.username | Username |
lt.array | The :attribute must have less than :value items. |
lt.file | The :attribute must be less than :value kilobytes. |
lt.numeric | The :attribute must be less than :value. |
lt.string | The :attribute must be less than :value characters. |
lte.array | The :attribute must not have more than :value items. |
mac_address | The :attribute must be a valid MAC address. |
more | More |
multiple_of | The :attribute must be a multiple of :value. |
next | Next » |
not_regex | The :attribute format is invalid. |
notfound | Records not found |
notifications.mark_as_read | Mark as read |
notifications.mark_as_read_all | Mark all as read |
notifications.title | Notifications |
of | of |
present | The :attribute field must be present. |
previous | « Previous |
profile | Profile |
prohibited | The :attribute field is prohibited. |
prohibited_if | The :attribute field is prohibited when :other is :value. |
prohibited_unless | The :attribute field is prohibited unless :other is in :values. |
prohibits | The :attribute field prohibits :other from being present. |
required_array_keys | The :attribute field must contain entries for: :values. |
required_unless | The :attribute field is required unless :other is in :values. |
reset | Reset |
resource.admins_title | Admins |
resource.avatar | Avatar |
resource.change_password | Change password |
resource.created_at | Created At | | |
resource.export.exported | File exported |
resource.import.extension_not_supported | File extension not supported |
resource.import.file_required | File is required |
resource.import.imported | Imported |
resource.main_information | Main information | | Name |
resource.password | Password |
resource.queued | Queued |
resource.repeat_password | Repeat password |
resource.role | Roles |
resource.role_name | Title |
resource.role_title | Roles |
resource.system | System |
results | results |
save | Save |
saved | Saved |
saved_error | Error |
search | Search |
show | Show |
showing | Showing |
starts_with | The :attribute must start with one of the following: :values. |
string | The :attribute must be a string. |
throttle | Too many login attempts. Please try again in :seconds seconds. |
to | to |
total | Total |
uploaded | The :attribute failed to upload. |
uuid | The :attribute must be a valid UUID. |